Emergency Preparedness

Protective Actions

During an emergency, Thornbury Township and Delaware County officials, Pennsylvania State Police, emergency response, medical personnel, and community officials will help to ensure your safety.

Tune In

For accurate information and instructions, tune in to the following media outlets:

  • KYW  (1060 AM)
  • a local news broadcast
  • a local cable station for the Emergency Alerting System

Evacuate or Shelter-In-Place?

Emergency personnel will instruct the community to either evacuate the area or remain indoors—Shelter-In-Place.

As a protective action, an evacuation will allow residents to travel away from danger. It is best to Shelter-In-Place in the majority of emergencies.

Residents who have special transportation needs should make arrangements with neighbors or inform their local emergency personnel as a means of planning.

REMINDER: In Thornbury Township, Delaware County, DIAL 9-1-1 to report an emergency which requires the immediate response of police, fire, or emergency medical services. For further information, contact your local officials, police or fire department, or Delaware County Emergency Services, 360 North Middletown Road, Media, PA  19063.  (610) 565-8700.

For more information about what to do during an emergency, visit http://www.co.delaware.pa.us/delcoready/emgready.html

What to have in your head: Your Emergency Plan

  • Talk with your family about emergencies; what to do, how to find each other, and how to stay in contact during an emergency. Be ready to Shelter in Place for at least 72 hours. If officials tell you, be ready to evacuate.
  • Decide on two places where household members should meet after an emergency—one right outside or close to your home, and one outside your neighborhood.
  • Practice getting out of your home using different doors. Practice getting to your meeting places.
  • Ask a friend or relative who lives out of state to be your family’s emergency contact. If phone circuits are busy, long-distance calls may be easier to make.
  • Plan for everyone in your family—especially seniors, people with disabilities, and non-English speakers.
  • Give everyone in your house a copy of your emergency plan and emergency contact information to keep in their wallets and backpacks.

Twice a year:

  • Change your smoke alarm batteries
  • Make sure your emergency plan and emergency contact information are correct.
  • Check that the food and batteries in your kits are still good.

Pennsylvania Floods and Flash Floods

Information on preparing for a flood and what to do during a flood is available on the following website: https://www.ready.gov/floods 

Download a copy of "Are You Ready" -  Emergency Preparedness Guide or pick one up at Town hall